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Employers: Communication, Trust & Coronavirus

Writer: Stella PatsouStella Patsou

by Ermione Ioannides, HR Trainee | Workathlon

Creating a more personal relationship with your employee is really important, especially during a stressful and continuously changing time such as the one we are currently experiencing. The most important question is, how are you going to make your team feel safe and trust you?

First of all, you need to sympathize with and understand your employees' needs. Connect with them. Let them know that you are there if they need anything and that you care about them. Show interest in their well-being and mental health - a lot of the time small actions have a big impact. Specifically:

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Show Compassion

Show compassion in case they have insecurities regarding COVID - 19, they fear or they are going through a stressful time. Maybe a good idea would be to create a group chat or organize a meeting once a week in order to discuss concerns, ask and answer questions, and help each other.

Encourage Group Activities

Organize some fun group activities in order to bond as a team. Maybe go on a road trip together, arrange a tournament or create an event for the group.

Ensure Balanced Diet

Another good idea would be to ensure that the menu created for staff is healthy, full of nutrients and food that would boost their immune system.

RELATED ARTICLE Hospitality Employers VS Coronavirus HERE

Be the Example

And last but definitely not least, is being very strict with ensuring that all the recommended and necessary safety measures have taken place, in order for everyone to be safe and sound.

Coronavirus has caused the hospitality industry and its people to follow a different process than the one that they are used to. Most of the season has been lost or it is maybe starting now. This means that the insecurity for finding or making sure of a job is still high among all the employees.

As employers, you need to make sure that you have the right means to ensure that everything goes as planned. Detailed informative sessions and updates on working conditions, before and during the season, will keep your team on track and less worried.

Additionally, now and then, you are encouraged to take some time to get to know your employees on a more personal level, so while on the job, it is more likely for them to trust you.

The third and last article with tips for employers to "survive" the corona-era season is coming soon - stay tuned!



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