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Things you should never tell your manager!

Writer: Stella PatsouStella Patsou

by Christina Nikaki, Recruitment Executive | Costa Navarino

During our career, it is certain that at some point words that should never be addressed to our manager will slip our lips and we will regret them for a long time… These words have a certain power. They make you look mean even if sometimes are so true! However, the worst thing of all is that once said, there is no turning back. This is because negative words and expressions have the strength to undermine your whole career.

So, the communication with your supervisors is crucial if you want to avoid unpleasant situations in your professional path. Below you can find some avoid-telling-your-manager phrases:

“This isn’t my job”

The message just transferred is that you are reluctant to doing anything more than the barely minimum. Obviously, that’s something that hurts your image and probably your future in the company. It would be preferable to carry out the task that has been appointed to you (I am referring to ethically acceptable tasks). Later on, in a private conversation with your manager, you will have the chance to express your opinion and discuss a new definition of responsibilities, if necessary.

“I will ask something that might sound silly”

You have just hurt your reliability. An expression like this indicates lack of confidence and unsteadiness of judgment. Even if later on, you come back with a splendid idea, you have lost the attention of your interlocutors. If you don’t know something, it is preferable to say “I don’t have all the data needed for the moment. I will come back to this when I will gather all the information necessary”.

“I will try”

Another expression that indicates lack of confidence. Show some trust to your skills and abilities. If you don’t, nobody will do it for you! When you are asked to complete a task, do it or suggest an alternative.

“He/she is incapable / inefficient”

This is a totally non acceptable expression to be addressed to a co-worker. Even if it is true, it will make you seem malicious and mean.

“It’s not my fault”

It’s never a good idea to blame others. Take the fall! If something went wrong accept the blame, even if your participation in the project was minimum. Otherwise, give an unbiased and objective aspect of the matter and let your manager and the rest of your colleagues draw a conclusion. The moment you refuse your responsibilities, the others will conclude that you are irresponsible.

“I will quit”

Threatening that you will quit, except from a non-professional behavior it can also prove dangerous. Your manager might decide eventually to let you go or even help you with it!

“I knew that this will happen, I had predicted it”

This expression makes you seem like a wiseguy who does not accept its share of responsibility and blames others.

“I cannot work with him/her”

Non-professional as well! Your dislikes cannot interfere your working environment. It is not necessary to become buddies with your colleague(s) but it is inappropriate to mix work with personal affairs. If you are obligated to cooperate with someone you dislike try to leave aside your personal thoughts and do your best to delegate the task in the most efficient way.

“I can’t”

This is an expression that every supervisor hates. A positive mindset of dealing with things is always highly appreciated. “I can’t” means I cannot accept responsibilities and risks.

“In my previous job…”

Please adjust! You have moved to another job! Even if your suggestion is good, it sounds like a nostalgic reference to a job that you possibly left by choice! On your manager’s ears this might sound even worse! Actually, you compare your previous job to your new one! Try to issue a proposition without insulting your previous or current employer.

“You are wrong”

Saying this to your manager, even if you maintain a friendly affinity with him/her along with your professional one, it is considered to be as a direct strike to his/her ego! If you feel that your supervisor is wrong, there are many ways to say it without insulting or embarrassing him/her.

“This is impossible”

The only thing that your manager hears you pointing out is your unwillingness and negativity. If you are having second thoughts about a project, discuss it with him/her and ask for his/her opinion

Please, remember: words have power. Choose them carefully if you want to have a successful career!



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